How to Prepare for a Coaching Session with Harriotte Lane
Yay! So, you’ve booked a coaching session with Harriotte Lane. Here’s a list of things you need to do/have to prepare for your session.
Online Coaching
Notepad and Pen - Your first session will consist of pageant theory, top tips, and a lot of writing so we advise having a notepad and pen to hand. This will allow you to write down all key information, and to create a source to look back on and learn from, rather than relying on memory.
Worksheets- Print off any worksheets relevant to the sessions. These will all be available online in the Members section.
Prepare Your Questions- Facetime coaching is a great opportunity to ask Harriotte all your questions. Make sure you have your questions written out beforehand, and if you have no questions Crown Coach gives all the information you need to go on a succeed in your next pageant.
Don’t worry if you’re unsure on what you want to achieve and subject area during your beginning sessions. Harriotte will guide the session and fill the time with tailored content to you and your pageant journey. This can be anything from interview skills, sponsorship, charity work, wardrobe advice and so on.
Wi-Fi- A good internet connection is essential for our online coaching sessions.
Zoom Account- All our online coaching will now be taking place over Zoom, so please ensure you have a zoom account set up and ready to use.
Microphone and Camera- We love to see our lovely girls face to face so please ensure all cameras and microphones are turned on and working.
Limit Distractions- Our coaching sessions are easy, fun and light hearted, but please limit distractions during the call so both yourself and Harriotte can concentrate on the coaching. This could be simply turning your phone on do not disturb or moving yourself to a quiet part of the house.
Face-to-Face Coaching
On-Stage Heels- During the session you will be practicing your pageant walk, so please bring along your On-Stage heels to rehearse in.
Fitted Clothing- We advise all girls to attend the sessions wearing tight fitting clothing. This enables Harriotte to see the hip movement and structure of your walk, which wouldn’t be achievable whilst wearing loose fitting clothing. This could be as simple as jeans and a vest top. Having said this, we want you to feel as comfortable as possible during your sessions, so please wear whatever you feel most comfortable in, regardless of the fit.
On-Stage Dress- if you’re lucky enough to have already chosen your On-Stage outfits, please bring it to the session. This will allow Harriotte to tailor your routine to your outfit and for you to gain important practice in.
Appearance Outfit- Our coaching sessions are a great photo opportunity for social media, so bring along a smarter outfit if you please. Of course, this is entirely optional.
Sash and Crown- These are not required; however, you may choose to bring them along for photo opportunities.
Arrive Early- Arriving early will ensure you are fully prepared and on time for your coaching session. Unfortunately, due to popularity, Harriotte will be unable to extend your coaching time if you are late.
Plan Your Route - The location of the coaching will be announced prior to the session. Planning your route and parking will avoid lateness, for a stress-free journey and coaching session.
Covid-19 Regulations- All face to face coaching must take place whilst wearing masks. Visors are also optional. We encourage attendees to come alone, with the exception of under 18s, who are allowed a chaperone.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at, or on social media @thecrowncoach and we will get back to you as soon as possible.